100 Marathon Club of the Americas

100 Marathon Club of the Americas RosterĀ HERE<

100 Marathon Club North America Newsletter #107, Final Addition March 17, 2022 HERE

100 Marathon Club of the Americas is the successor to the 100 Marathon Club North America, founded and directed by Bob and Lenore Dolphin 2001-2021.

Membership Information:
If you are already in the Marathon Maniacs and have at least 100 Marathons input in your My Races page, you'll find your name listed on the members page and a 100 icon next to your name in the Marathon Maniacs InSane AsyLum.
If you are not listed on the new 100 Marathon Club of the Americas and would like to be, simply join the Marathon Maniacs and input your 100 races and you will automatically be added to the new 100MCA club.

Membership Includes:
Link to race history, State, Provinces & Country Tracker, discounts from the Maniac Race Calendar.

100 Marathon Club of the Americas Apparel coming soon...

Lenore and Bob Dolphin (100 Marathon North America Club Founders)

Retired 100 Marathon North America Club Website HERE<<